Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Capehart's tie knot goes on a diet

We felt the day's editorial was pretty much decided with the announcement of - the Chuck Todd Fan Club going live. But first thing this morning, our fashion consultant, Devon O'Toole comes screaming into my office claiming that his savaging of Washington Post's, Jonathan Capehart's tie knot on Friday's Morning Joe produced a positive and quantitative effect. Being the skeptical editor-in-chief that I am, I took his rantings with a grain of salt; but then he showed me the screenshots and I'll be damned if Capehart's tie knot wasn't half the size that it was on said Friday.

Coincidence? We think not.


Anonymous said...

I thought the bit about Capehart's knot being in two time zones was priceless. Glad he listened up!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing out loud at this one!! Good stuff.