After hundreds of emails asking if we were going to start a true Chuck Todd Fan Club, well, we heard you and built one. Not only is it a true home for all you Chuckolytes, but it offers some exceptionally cool real-world benefits.
Personalized Membership Card and Limited Edition Chuckolyte Pin
For just 2 bucks, you get a personalized membership card with your name and unique i.d. number as well as a limited edition collectors pin with the new Chuckolyte logo. One dollar of every membership goes to Tim Russert's favorite charities (Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Catholic Charities USA) and the other dollar goes to administration of the club (materials, hosting, etc.).
Members Rewards Program
The membership card just isn't handed out so you can impress dates; it's an actual unique card that comes with perks.
This is a program for Chuck Todd Fans who also happen to be business owners or service providers who would like to extend exclusive discounts and/or premiums to fellow Chuckolyte card holders. Any member who would like to participate gets their business/service listed on Chuckloyte.com and in future e-newsletters for free.
We want to build a community that's more than emails, forums and blogs. It is our hope to create a network that will allow members to be able to stroll into a restaurant, pub or shop and know that a fellow Chuck Todd fan has a special deal just for them.
More award-Winning Merchandise
We've just added a brand-new section to the Viva Chuck Todd Online Emporium that carries all new merchandise with the Chuckolyte logo. Our favorite is the Chuckolyte wall clock. Check it out and you'll see why. And just like everything else in the store, all proceeds go to Tim Russert's favorite charities.
Chuck Todd Fan Club Forum
Now there’s an actual place where you can post questions, get answers and correspond with other Chuck Todd fans. It’s brand-spanking new, so get over there and start posting.
The Future
In the next few weeks, all new members will be receiving a Chuckolyte e-newsletter with the latest news about The Chuck, fellow members, member rewards locations and the other stars in the Chuck Todd universe. We’re hoping to get a few guest contributors, starting with our man Willie Geist (Hear that Willie? Your adoring fans clamor for your puckish wit - call us)
So there you have it. A real fan club because you all asked for it. With that said, the site cannot be a success without your input, so by all means keep the feedback coming and flood our servers with email. This is your site now.

This morning I heard the Joe crew make several references to VCT including The Geistmeister's statement that he was a Chuckolyte. Such exchange was made at the end of The Chuck's segment. If The Geistmeister is not yet a Chuckolyte, then I will gladly pay for his membership. I can think of no better honor.
Yeah... I was wondering if anyone watched Morning Joe today (7/31). I missed the show b/c I had to get into work early today, but I heard from a friend that Willie was teasing Chuck about the VivaCT website and being a Chuckolyte.
I saw Morning Joe this morning--the Geistmeister gave a shout-out with the entire VCT URL, and Joe and Mika joked about how David Gregory accidentally called Chuck "Chuck T" on Race for the White House the night before. They also ragged on Chuck for not liking the Gallup polls. Chuck T...it ain't easy being a gangsta. But can I give a shout-out back...I *love* Morning Joe and am so glad I found that show this year!! Too bad it's off for the Olympics...
Hey... I am telling you this should be global. there is this site that you can go on called Free Rice where you anyone can go on and do simple vocabulary exercises and for every correct answer, 10 grains of rice is donated to African countries (100 grains makes a small bowl). This is a legitimate site that helps thousands of starving children in Africa. I am a school teacher and my students go on it every day when they finish their
work and love to do it because they know that what they are doing makes a difference. Here is where I am going with this....
When school starts back, wouldn't it be neat if there was some kind of interaction students could use on this site to learn more about the election process, plus, keeping them up on the electoral process. Maybe not this site exactly but something like it. It would be even better if some how knowledge that the kids gain or for every right question, it could go towards free rice or something like that. Free rice was featured in People magazine last year and some man started up to help his own child expand his vocabulary skills.
Just a thought (and it is easy for me to think when I am not the one responsible for getting it together) It would also recognize this website and the Chuck.
I wish MSNBC would have some kind of political show for students to watch a few days a week explaining things on their level. This is going to be a historical election (definitely one to never forget). It is ashame that the kids can not get into it more.
We don't have long though until the election - so maybe next time.
As you and Brian Williams should know, these wild weather patterns are clear signs of the approaching end times (preparation) as predicted August 2010. “Secrets few know about God for Empowerment in Tough Times” also called “Empowerment in Tough Times” by Prophet Tim L Brown(A book inspired by our Higher Power that is showing the changes in our world. Copyright August 2010. ) This book reflected the biggest news in over 2000 years. As you can look and see in the world around us now: the impact on government, religion, the earth, and so on. This book is basically a summary of the word (bible) with timely revelation for our Higher Power’s glory.
Prophet Tim L Brown, CPA
PO Box 2811 Coppell, TX 75019
Grateful for sharing thhis
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