The Chuck Todd Drought of Summer '08 washed away this morning with his appearance on Morning Joe where the subject of his facial hair once again became a topic of conversation. The Chuck played along as to just what the proper name for his silken auburn facial manliness should be; many names were bandied about. In the case of something as important as this, we thought we'd put it to a vote.
YES! This is my new favorite website. Love Chuckie T!!
I recognize the importance of the facial hair questions, but for the lack of a better place. . .
Did anyone notice that Chuck quoted RUSH (the band) this morning when being asked about the McCain/Obama statistical race divide (duh).
He stalled a little bit mid-quip. . .as if he'd accidentally out-ed himself as a prog-Nerd, but then, like a man, chose to live with it. Here's what he said:
"If you choose not to decide/You still have made a choice."
I've never felt closer to him.
PS thanks for being what is turning out to be be the absolute best Chuck Todd blog out there. I hardly read the others anymore.
Not that I am opposed to poll questions about The Chuck's beard, as rich, lusterous, and succulent (can beards be succulent?)as it is, isn't there another poll question we should be asking? Like "Who would win in a fantasy fist fight between The Chuck and Lizzie Borden?"
Ohm, nevermind the Rush quote... Was anyone else outraged when Morning Joe dared to question the Chuck's virility this morning? Chuckie T does not need Viagra. He is Viagra! (Maybe someone should contribute that to Chuck Todd Facts)
Fantasy fist fight polls would be fun, but the outcomes are far too predictable.
It's impossible for The Chuck to win by a margin smaller than 153% +/- 3%.
And that's before the super delegates are counted.
And i've got my own Chuck Todd fact. It might not be very good but i like it. "In a poll, it's considered a statistical dead heat if Chuck Todd's opponent survives."
Actually, Joe asked Willie if he wanted to ask Chuck about Viagra and Willie said he had no reason to think Chuck would know anything about the topic. Chuck then proceeded to make like his mic (in Washington) no longer worked and said he couldn't hear anything they were saying. It was brief but funny. (In case you're wondering why this was mentioned at all, they had been discussing the Viagra/birth control/health insurance issue earlier in the show.)
Hey all, Chuck is going to be on MTP this weekend, presumably in the roundtable part. The main guest is Al Gore, followed by David Gregory and Chuck Todd. This is per the Hotline website.
I have been on vacay for a week and I was wondering if Morning Joe has mentioned Viva chuck site lately? I was hoping that MJ may even promote us by using one of our very own Viva Chuck coffee mugs? Anything new?
Also, who is Chuckie T leaning towards on McCain an OBama's running mates? Who does he think they will pick? Knowing Chuckie T, he is playing it cool on this one.
Did anyone see the discussion a few days ago about why Chuck doesn't like the name "Chuckie T"? He said it on several places -- on Morning Joe (where Willie called him "Charles" to make up for it), on the last Newsvine chat, etc. Basically, he mentioned "childhood scars" and the whole horror movie series on that doll "Chuckie".
Personally, I prefer to equate Chuck Todd with the newer NBC comedy series "Chuck" with the cute, smart, computer geek with a CIA computer downloaded in his brain who always saves the world each week. :) Seems kind of appropriate for our Chuck -- saving the world with his insightful political analysis and a computer-like knowledge of all things political and sports.
Also, is our webmaster doing okay? It's been kind of silent considering there was quite a bit of Chuck stuff since last Weds, the MTP appearance, etc...
Oh, and there's another Newsvine chat with Chuck tomorrow -- the standard time and place. :)
YES! This is my new favorite website. Love Chuckie T!!
I recognize the importance of the facial hair questions, but for the lack of a better place. . .
Did anyone notice that Chuck quoted RUSH (the band) this morning when being asked about the McCain/Obama statistical race divide (duh).
He stalled a little bit mid-quip. . .as if he'd accidentally out-ed himself as a prog-Nerd, but then, like a man, chose to live with it. Here's what he said:
"If you choose not to decide/You still have made a choice."
I've never felt closer to him.
PS thanks for being what is turning out to be be the absolute best Chuck Todd blog out there. I hardly read the others anymore.
Not that I am opposed to poll questions about The Chuck's beard, as rich, lusterous, and succulent (can beards be succulent?)as it is, isn't there another poll question we should be asking? Like "Who would win in a fantasy fist fight between The Chuck and Lizzie Borden?"
Ohm, nevermind the Rush quote... Was anyone else outraged when Morning Joe dared to question the Chuck's virility this morning? Chuckie T does not need Viagra. He is Viagra! (Maybe someone should contribute that to Chuck Todd Facts)
Fantasy fist fight polls would be fun, but the outcomes are far too predictable.
It's impossible for The Chuck to win by a margin smaller than 153% +/- 3%.
And that's before the super delegates are counted.
And i've got my own Chuck Todd fact. It might not be very good but i like it.
"In a poll, it's considered a statistical dead heat if Chuck Todd's opponent survives."
Okay, I didn't see MJ this morning. What is this about questioning Chuck's virility? An outrage!
Seriously, would someone mind explaining or putting up the clip?
Actually, Joe asked Willie if he wanted to ask Chuck about Viagra and Willie said he had no reason to think Chuck would know anything about the topic. Chuck then proceeded to make like his mic (in Washington) no longer worked and said he couldn't hear anything they were saying. It was brief but funny. (In case you're wondering why this was mentioned at all, they had been discussing the Viagra/birth control/health insurance issue earlier in the show.)
Thanks Lenore!
Hey all,
Chuck is going to be on MTP this weekend, presumably in the roundtable part. The main guest is Al Gore, followed by David Gregory and Chuck Todd. This is per the Hotline website.
Great! Thanks, eb.
Great video of Chuck Todd on MTP today
Stavro -- I second that emotion. I did a double take last week when he quoted RUSH's Free Will.
I have been on vacay for a week and I was wondering if Morning Joe has mentioned Viva chuck site lately? I was hoping that MJ may even promote us by using one of our very own Viva Chuck coffee mugs? Anything new?
Also, who is Chuckie T leaning towards on McCain an OBama's running mates? Who does he think they will pick? Knowing Chuckie T, he is playing it cool on this one.
Hey! Check out the swag on the Cerebral Itch site- funny ass stuff!!!
Who comes up with this stuff??
Did anyone see the discussion a few days ago about why Chuck doesn't like the name "Chuckie T"? He said it on several places -- on Morning Joe (where Willie called him "Charles" to make up for it), on the last Newsvine chat, etc. Basically, he mentioned "childhood scars" and the whole horror movie series on that doll "Chuckie".
Personally, I prefer to equate Chuck Todd with the newer NBC comedy series "Chuck" with the cute, smart, computer geek with a CIA computer downloaded in his brain who always saves the world each week. :) Seems kind of appropriate for our Chuck -- saving the world with his insightful political analysis and a computer-like knowledge of all things political and sports.
Also, is our webmaster doing okay? It's been kind of silent considering there was quite a bit of Chuck stuff since last Weds, the MTP appearance, etc...
Oh, and there's another Newsvine chat with Chuck tomorrow -- the standard time and place. :)
WHEW... that was a lot for one post!
I am concerned about Chuck's admission of his that he fears Chucky from "Child's Play." Perhaps he is tryig to lure Chucky out in the open...
Amaducias, my bad -- I'm not a good reporter. My impression was that he didn't like being associated with that horror story.
I don't think "The Chuck" is afraid of anything!!!
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