Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Night Insanity Contest Winner:
Jessica from Redondo Beach, CA

Our Chuckolyte winner is Jessica from Redondo Beach, CA who nailed the senate races and came freakishly close on the presidential numbers. This is how she did - behold the new Nostradamus:

359 Electoral Votes for Obama (final number 364)
179 Electoral Votes for McCain (final number 173)

55% of the Popular Vote for Obama (final number 52% - 64.4M)
45% of the Popular Vote for McCain (final number 44% - 56.7M)

She aced the senate races, except in the case of Alaska. She gave it to Begich, which could be argued an technical win based on the Pyrrhic and fleeting victory of the crook that is Stevens.

Excellent job Jessica. Your bag of Chuck Todd/Cerebral Itch schwag is on it's way.

Thanks to all of you who participated.