Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin

I really don't think the average Chuckolyte is ever going to get tired of seeing The Chuck man the Microsoft Surface con for election math.

This morning on Morning Joe he referred to himself as the "electoral waiter"; au contraire Monsieur Todd. You are a nothing less than a sorcerer conjuring up multiple permutations of electoral college outcomes.



Ed said...

Hi, I dscovered the waiter via his performance on CD w/ KO on the web.

CT is reminding me of Commander LaForge, the starship engineer, all right. . .

"Cmdr. LaForge! Report."

"Captain, there seems to be strong registrionic activity in Wisconsin and Michigan . . ."

Nice blog. I'm a fan. And wouldn't Tim just have loved that surface™.


Anonymous said...

A poem! We must celebrate and commemorate The Chuck and his MS Surface! I shall begin immediately!!!

Anonymous said...

New Rule - When Chuck speaks other members of Morning Joe must remain silent.

Monday was near impossible to hear Chuck for the other panel members' yammering on and on.